February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Teen dating violence not only affects teens, but but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well.
Dating violence includes physical, emotional, sexual, or digital abuse in a current dating relationship or by a former dating partner. Young people experience violence at alarming rates. TCSO is committed to raising awareness about dating violence and offering resources and support for victims and their loved ones.
Financial Assistance
Crime Victim’s Compensation | 800-983-9933
United Way | Call 211
Legal Assistance
Texas Advocacy Project | 800-374-HOPE
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid | 512-374-2700
Safety Plan
Please contact TCSO Victim Services Unit to coordinate a safety plan:
Family Crisis Center (Bastrop) | 512-303-7755
Hope Alliance (Williamson County) | 800-460-7233
The SAFE Alliance | 24 hour SAFEline: 512-267-7233 TEXT: 737-888-7233
The Salvation Army | 512-476-1111