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PSC Competition

The Travis County Sheriff's Office and Travis County Constable Precinct 2 will co-host the 3rd Annual Central Texas Public Safety Cadet Competition for Public Safety Cadet and/or Explorer programs on May 31, 2025. The one-day competition event is designed to have challenging scenarios based on current Texas law enforcement standardized training which will test your Cadets/Explorers' knowledge and skills.


Saturday, May 31, 2025 

McNeil High School
5720 McNeil Dr. 
Austin, TX 78729

Teams will participate in 3-4 scenarios (exact number TBD closer to event date). Scenario assignments will be distributed on the day of the event. Scenarios could include but not limited to Felony Traffic Stop, Domestic Disturbance, Active Threat, Crash Investigation, Burglary in Progress. There will also be three individual scenarios to inlcude a Fitness Challenge for Top Female, Male & Advisor.

After the competition, there will be a formal awards ceremony. There will be 1st - 3rd place trophies awarded for each team event and one trophy will be awarded for overall team. The top performer in the individual events will also be awarded.




Team Fee $300 (includes four Cadets/Explorers + one Advisor). The fee covers entry for competition, meal wristband (lunch & dinner), and an event t-shirt for each member.

A team may register Additional Advisors for $40 (per Advisor) which includes a meal wristband and event t-shirt (agency credentials are required at check-in).

Additional dinner tickets for the awards ceremony may be purchased for family or friends for $25.

  • There is an event maximum of 40 teams; Registration will close May 1st or if we reach the maximum number of teams.
  • Required Waiver Packet for each Cadet/Explorer and Advisor must be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to complete registration.
  • Agencies are allowed to enter more than one team ($300 registration fee per team). NOTE: Please submit the above online registration form for EACH team. If you don't have all the cadet names at this time, please put TBD in the form fields and the Administrative Coordinator will follow-up with you.
  • All t-shirt sizes must be received by May 1st; All names and signed waivers must be turned in by event day. 
  • Advisor will receive an event packet prior to competition with more event details.


Checks or Money Orders can be made payable to Travis County Public Safety Cadets Unit 711. Currently, we're unable to accept credit card payments.

Please mail payments to:

Travis County Public Safety Cadet Post 711
Attn.: Lt. Michael Deleon
10409 Burnet Rd. #150
Austin, TX 78758


In the event a team needs to substitute a cadet/explorer or advisor, substitutions will be accepted up to event day. Please email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with substitute request. All registration forms and waivers must be received prior to competition.

Cancellations and refunds will be accepted until May 1stPlease email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with cancellation request.


Coming Soon!


If you're interested in volunteering for this event, please submit the below Volunteer Registration form. We have morning, afternoon and all-day shifts available. Volunteer opportunities include scenario actors or general event staff as duties are needed. We ask that volunteers be 16 years of age and up.


Exhibitors & Sponsorship

Our event is an amazing opportunity for your brand or organization to reach young adults interested in law enforcement related careers. There will be a vendor show where attendees can learn all about the great opportunities and services your organization offers. 

We are seeking event sponsors to make this year's event even bigger & better!  Please review our Sponsorship Packet for more information on how your brand or organization can show support.


For additional questions, please email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 512-854-7786.


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