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Attorney & Bondsman Photo ID

The Attorney & Bondsman Photo ID program is a privilege extended by the Travis County Sheriff. This privilege is meant to expedite and enhance our justice system’s level of service to the people of Travis County by allowing you to enter the courthouse (Blackwell-Thurman) through an employee entrance during peak hours and/or when available.


During all times, attorneys will be required to comply with the full screening procedures.

The employee line is a privilege and will not be extended to the attorney’s employees or case material not confined to the attorney’s briefcase.

Attorneys that cannot produce identification at the point of entry will have to go through the public line to complete the screening process.

Concealed handgun licensees are NOT EXEMPT at any of our buildings.

Attorney Photo ID Application Process 

Applications must be submitted NO later than the first week of your birth month to be processed by the end of the month when your ID badge expires. 


The return of your application via email constitutes your acceptance and understanding of the privileges afforded by the ID badge. The Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to revoke the privilege at any time for just cause.  

Applications received will be processed as follows:  

  • A background check will be completed on each applicant. 
  • A Texas State Bar Association check will be completed on each applicant. 
  • Applications will be reviewed by the TCSO Courthouse Security (CHS) Lieutenant for approval, disapproval, or identified as needing additional information for acceptance.
  • Approved applicants will receive a letter that includes a date, time, documentation required and place to have their photo taken and their ID badge issued. 
  • Applicants who were NOT approved will be notified by email. Their applications will be kept on file for later reference. Note: Applicants that are not approved due to not meeting minimum requirements, failed background check or for technical reasons may contact the CHS Lieutenant and plead their case. 
  • Attorneys’ applications that require additional information before the application may be accepted will be contacted and given the opportunity to reply in a timely manner.  

Approval or Confiscation Authority: The CHS Lieutenant manages the Attorney & Bondsman Photo ID program and maintains review, approval, disapproval and confiscation authority over the program.  

An attorney may have an identification privilege terminated for insolent, disruptive, rude behavior and/or lending their ID badge to another individual or not wearing their ID badge as described.  

Attorneys who have had their identification confiscated may appeal in writing to the CHS Lieutenant within five calendar days of the confiscation. The CHS Lieutenant has 10 working days to respond.  

Note: Attorney applications and supporting documents will be maintained by CHS. When the next year’s attorneys’ IDs are issued, the previous year’s applications will be destroyed. All active records held by CHS will be kept in a safe and secure place. 


The bondsman ID badge pass is extended only during normal business hours Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. During all other times, bondsmen will be required to comply with the full screening procedures.  

The ID badge will be worn on the front of the bondsman’s body between the neckline and waist with the photograph clearly visible. ID badges will be displayed from the time you enter the building until you have cleared the security screening area. 

Bondsmen that cannot produce identification at the point of entry will have to go through the screening process as if they did not have a pass privilege.  

Concealed handgun licensees are NOT EXEMPT at any of our buildings. 

Bondsman ID badges are issued on a yearly basis, expiring the last day of July the following year. Bondsman ID badges are restricted to qualified employees that work for duly licensed and approved bonding companies that are authorized to conduct business in Travis County, Texas. 

Bondsman Photo ID Application Process

Each approved company is authorized to submit their employees for consideration for a Bondsman ID badge.  

Applications must be submitted on letterhead via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; applications may be accepted year round. Any request received after June 30th will not be processed until the next cycle year.  

Each application request must include ALL the following required documentation: 

  • Applicant’s Full Name
  • Applicant’s Date of Birth
  • Applicant’s Texas Driver’s License Number
  • Applicant’s Home Address  
  • Bonding agency’s name
  • Bonding agency’s business address
  • Bonding agency’s license number
  • Applicant’s length of employment with the bonding agency
  • Email address for delivery of approval/denial letter

Application requests received on time, with all required documentation, that pass both a background check and warrant check will be emailed an approval letter.  

Approved applicants will receive a letter that includes a date, time, documentation required and place to have their photo taken and their ID badge issued. Requests that do not meet minimum requirements will be emailed a denial letter. 

Approval or Confiscation Authority: The CHS Lieutenant manages the Attorney & Bondsman Photo ID program and maintains review, approval, disapproval and confiscation authority over the program.  

An attorney may have an identification privilege terminated for insolent, disruptive, rude behavior and/or lending their ID badge to another individual or not wearing their ID badge as described.  



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