Our Reserve Unit is a group of volunteer sworn deputies who are committed to volunteering 16 hours per month on average. In addition, members must complete 20 - 40 hours of state and TCSO required mandatory training per year. They must also qualify with their firearms per TCSO policy to maintain proficiency.
We supplement uniformed patrol when full-time deputies are on leave due to sickness, vacation or military leave. We are also activated when additional deputies are needed due to man-made or natural disasters, such as severe weather events, wildfires and Homeland Security concerns.
Current Available Positions:
- Advanced Reserve Deputy (ARD): An individual who is TCOLE certified as a Basic Peace Officer or higher and has completed the TCSO Field Training program. An ARD can independently cover shifts for full-time patrol Deputies as requested.
- Basic Reserve Deputy: An individual who is TCOLE certified as a Basic Peace Officer or higher and has completed the TCSO CODES Course.
To be hired by the Reserve Unit, candidates must have a clear criminal history, a good driving record and be licensed by the state of Texas (TCOLE) as a Peace Officer, and the completion of approximately 660 hours of coursework and training.
The application process for a Reserve Deputy is identical to those for paid deputies.
For additional information, please contact: