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Cold Case Tip

 "We never give up on victims"

Our Cold Case Unit was established to investigate unsolved homicide, sexual assault, and missing person cases that haven’t been brought to resolution within a year or more. Detectives apply traditional and newly innovated investigative methodologies to bring the cases to a contemporary or closure status. With the community's support, we hope new information will come to light and assist us in these investigations. It is our dedicated goal to continuously seek closure for the victims and their loved ones.

Featured Cases

TCSO is producing a series of vignettes highlighting cases remaining under investigation. Stay tuned for new additions to this playlist.



If you have any information on a TCSO cold case, you can:

  • SUBMIT A TIP (anonymous option)

  • Call and/or leave an anonymous tip: TCSO Tip Line at 512-854-1444 or Crime Stoppers at 512-472-8477

  • Email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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