Step 1: Apply For Position Online
The initial application for a Professional position must be completed online. Once you select a job posting to apply for, you will be required to create an account.
Please read each question carefully and provide complete and truthful responses to avoid being disqualified during this step. Anything found to be untruthful can disqualify you from applying again.
Once your application has been accepted, you will be invited to complete all required tests listed below. All communication will be sent via email. Note: Some email services will block ALL Travis County emails to the user, so please be sure to check your Spam folder for emails from TCSO.
Also, please make sure your cell phone number is entered correctly and that your voice mail box is set up to accept messages.
Step 2: Complete Required Tests
Once the online application has been reviewed and accepted, TCSO Human Resources will email you regarding test dates and times. You must follow the instructions to self-schedule your testing.
Vocabulary Test: You will be required to look at a word in context and answer the multiple choice question with the best choice. There are 35 questions with a 15 minute time limit. A passing score of 80 is required for this section.
Reading Comprehension Test: You will be required to read several paragraphs and answer multiple choice questions pertaining to the paragraphs. There are 15 questions with a 15 minute time limit. A passing score of 80 is required for this section.
Typing Test: For Office Specialist, a typing test is required. You must meet the minimum required words per minute as outline in the position description to be considered eligible for hire.
Position Specific Test: For certain positions, position specific tests may be administered. These tests will be designed to assess an individual’s response to a typical situation that would be encountered in that line of work
At the appointed testing time, you will be required to:
- Be on time at the testing site. Anyone arriving after the scheduled time will not be allowed to test. Give yourself plenty of time to arrive due to unexpected traffic delays.
- Bring a valid photo ID; acceptable forms of identification include: Texas or other Resident State Driver’s License (with current address), State Identification Cards or a current Military Identification Card.
Step 3: Complete Applicant Packet
Upon successful completion of the required tests, you will be issued an Applicant Packet. In addition to the Applicant Packet, you will provide original documentation or certified copies of the following:
Original documentation/certified copies of the following, if applicable:
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card (laminated cards are NOT accepted)
- Valid Driver’s License or an Identification Card (displaying current address)
- Current Proof of Auto Insurance
- Educational related documents (high school diploma, official GED or sealed and unopened high school transcripts)
- Complete credit report
- If applicable, Military Form DD-214 (Veterans only: Member 4 is required)
Step 4: Interview With Oral Board
Candidates will be scheduled for an interview with an Oral Review Board. During the board, you will be asked a series of general and situational questions regarding the position. You must pass the Oral Review Board in order to be placed on an eligibility list.
Candidates may apply for multiple positions; however, they must pass a separate Oral Review Board for each position applied for in order to qualify for that particular eligibility list. For example, an individual who applies for an Office Specialist and a Security Coordinator position must interview and successfully pass two separate oral review boards in order to be on the eligibility lists for each position.
Step 5: Background Investigation
The final step will be the completion of a background investigation. Typically, background investigations can take up to six weeks.